What Is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery is one of the most common procedures requested in cosmetic surgery. It can improve the overall appearance of the eyes and reduce the appearance of aging overall.
The muscles around the eye often weaken as people get older and the eyelids begin to sag. This creates wrinkles and puffiness that accentuates the aging process. This can affect both the upper and lower lids. Using forehead muscles to compensate by constantly attempting to raise eyelids can also result in more wrinkles in that area. The eyelid skin stretches over time, forming extra folds that could cause irritation as they rub together.
Upper Lid Problems Addressed By Blepharoplasty
Upper lids can droop due to excess fat deposits, surplus skin or the loss of muscle control around the eye socket. Sun damage and congenital factors may accelerate this process, causing some people to appear far older than they are. In some cases, the upper lid can hang down so far it limits the visual field.
Lower Lid Problems Addressed By Blepharoplasty
Sagging lower lids contribute to the puffy appearance under the eyes. This can occur due to fat deposits, water retention, or loose and disproportionate amounts of skin that may be caused by genetics. The fat pad below the eye can prolapse or push forward, causing a pronounced bag to form in the corner of the eye or underneath the eye.
What To Expect From Blepharoplasty
Both upper and lower lids can be done simultaneously or a patient may decide to have only one set of lids altered. The surgical incisions are typically inconspicuous, as they follow the natural contour of the eye. For the upper lids, an incision is made along the natural crease of the eyelid. Fat deposits are then removed or repositioned, muscles can be tightened, and excess skin is removed. For the lower lids, an incision is made just below the lash line. Fat deposits can be removed or repositioned, and excess skin is then removed.
Blepharoplasty is often done in conjunction with other procedures, such as forehead lifts, facelifts, and skin resurfacing.