Everyone knows what liposuction does, so what’s left to be said about this top cosmetic surgery solution? Plenty, in fact! We’re all about education here at Tallahassee Plastic Surgery Clinic, so let’s take a closer look at some of the latest info about and common uses for liposuction.

Liposuction Popularity

In part because it is so versatile, liposuction consistently ranks as a top 5 cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In fact, in 2023 (the latest data available), liposuction was the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed, with almost 350,000 procedures performed.

Liposuction is a top procedure performed by our doctors as well. Our surgeons use the tumescent method for improved patient comfort and results. Our photo gallery shows just how amazing the results can be from a liposuction procedure!

Lipo & Weight Loss

Weight loss is an extremely hot topic these days thanks to the focus on newer weight loss injection treatments. Many people think that by using these medications, they’ll reach their goal weight and see the body they’ve always wanted. That certainly can be the case, but don’t count out the value of liposuction just yet.

Let’s take a look at why you may still need body contouring even if you are seeing results through weight loss medications or diet and exercise.

  • In our experience, body contouring procedures like liposuction can help to perfect your appearance when the most stubborn pockets of fat remain after you reach your goal weight. Everyone has a different body shape, and it’s quite common to still have “love handles,” bra rolls, or other areas of fat even when you’ve achieved your goal weight.
  • For more significant weight loss, you may see loose muscle and sagging tissue that even liposuction alone cannot address. That’s where procedures like a tummy tuck or a body lift come in. Your doctor can tighten loose musculature and remove excess skin while using liposuction to create a refined body shape.

Procedures that Can Include Lipo

Our surgeons perform liposuction as its own procedure, but also frequently use it as part of other body contouring surgeries so that they can shape the exact look you envision.

  • Tummy Tuck – Liposuction can really help to accentuate the abdominal tightening results of abdominoplasty surgery.
  • Mommy Makeover – Every mommy makeover our doctors perform is custom-designed to address the top cosmetic concerns a mom has. Loose abdominal skin and tissue, sagging breasts, and excess fat can all be improved as part of this combined procedure.
  • Buttock Augmentation – Liposuction is used to harvest fat from other areas of the body during a Brazilian butt lift. This fat is then prepared and re-injected into the buttocks to improve volume.
  • Arm Lift – Liposuction can help to create a thinner, more sculpted look to the upper arms.
  • Body Lift – In addition to skin and fat tissue excision, body lifts often require liposuction to

Call us at 850-877-2126 or Book a Consultation Online with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to see the difference liposuction can make for you!